A Tribal Myth

Tsenglap Tribe Website - Welcome!

Hello and Welcome to the Website of Tsenglap Tribe. Tsenglap is a tribe inside North Wahgi Electorate of Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea. Tsenglaps are part of the bigger Mid Wahgi people and they speak the Wahgi Language. Tsenglap Tribe comes under Banz Local Level Government (Banz LLG) Council of North Wahgi Electorate.

Tsenglap Tribe of North Wahgi

On this website we introduce our Tribe to netizens and online visitors. Nothing significant pertains to our Tribe, however for the purpose of acquiring general knowledge, this is an ideal site created purposely for future Tsenglap generations have better perception concerning the origin and organisation of clan system inside Jiwaka Province. The advent of the computer and ever increasing advances in Science and Technology has gotten our young generation into a frenzy. In these modern times our younger generation tend to forget about our history, cultures, traditions and values.

We decided to include a brief history of Tsenglap Tribe enabling easy access to facts concerning our tribe. Today's young generation commit less time reading a library book. General trends in recent times concerning our children portray a considerable inclination towards manipulating a mobile device or laptop computer over reading a book.

Carrying a reading book is something of the past. In Today's age of Mobile Phones and Laptop Computers, aided by powerful search engines like Google and Yahoo, people can access and possess any piece of information on their fingertips at their convenience. If you are another Jiwakan or Papua New Guinean who might have heard about Tsenglap or had some encounter with the Tsenglap people we welcome you to read about our tribe. If you are just another visitor from cyberspace crawling around, we also welcome you. We hope you like reading some facts about our Tribe. Enjoy !